Sunday, March 8, 2015

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is something that has been discussed over the past ten years. Companies such as Verizon or broadband can determine what websites that you can go to by blocking them and if not by blocking them but, taking forever to get the site you are trying to get on to to load."They can't block or stop web services such as Netflix (King & Fung pg 1). There is a problem because, the public seems to be upset about the whole matter because the companies who choose todo this like earlier stated Verizon doesn't like the major company called Netflix do to their issues which, affects the Verizon's customers. Now what seems to becoming part of the issue is that now there are making laws and legal efforts to try and stop this. The companies that are apart of these efforts are not happy with these attempts because it is said that it is effecting the right of their business. Yes this maybe true but it isn't right to the basic right of the public. Literally tens of millions of customers use the cellular and Internet service of Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint. I truly think that the money that we spend on the monthly bill to use these things should be used as they are presented. The official word has not been stated on what exactly they are going to do about all of those. It will be decided in the upcoming weeks that are soon to come. Honestly I am excited to see what they have to say about all this because, who knows what all will come out from this. There could be more things that they are not telling us. Also there could be some monitoring issues. I think that whatever happens the decision should be made for the public the people who are the reason you are able to make millions off of your internet. Also the people that pay your bills. Not to once again put the maters in another major corporations hands. The right decision is to take legal action at all costs. Although it seems extreme to go to such measures but it is a right as an American citizen.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Obama Administration to Allow Allied Countries to Buy Military Drones

The Obama administration has made a new policy on Tuesday that has allowed the US to be able to sell drones to allied foreign countries. When the formal policy was established in 1987 and was an international agreement that the Missile Technology Control Regime. The policy stated that you were not allowed to sell unmanned drones but you were allowed to sell bunker-busting bombs, high power ship mounted guns, and fighter jets. Many problems can come from this such as allied countries selling drones to rival countries. Such as China, Russia, Afghanistan, and other countries that we see as a threat like North Korea. The last time that we gave and sold weapons to other countries it back fired on us. For example Osama Bin Laden, when the US government gave them guns and also information on our military tactics. At that time we thought they would use the tactics we taught them and the weapons we also gave them against Russia but, they ended up using them against the US. Although I believe that this again could cause issues I think in some ways it might be able to solve some problems. For instance, "US officials suggested the drones sales could become a new tool for expanding American influence overseas"(Hennigan 1). Doing this could make us a lot of money since drones are just now being widely introduced to the world. The excepted result of the money to be consumed is 11.5 billion dollars by the date of 2024. Which is double the current income of what is received now. I am not sure if the money and the international influence that we could receive would be worth putting others in danger including ourselves. If the countries that we give supplies to already gave their weapons to our enemies in the past what makes people think that they won't do it again because history has been proven to repeat itself.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Eating too much added sugar may be killing you

This article is giving you information about the health issues that concern sugar. It states that sugar not only makes you fat, but it may be killing you. "People who consume between 17%-21% of daily calories from added sugar had a 38% higher risk of death from heart disease than people who consume less than 10% of calories from added sugar"(Hellmich,1). People in the United States in 2010 consumed 15% of their daily calories. About 300 calories a day based on a 2000 calorie diet based on added sugars. Which was more than what the average women needed to consume per day. Women need about 6 teaspoons while, men need around 9 teaspoons. One can of soda contains 140 calories which would be 7% of 2000 calories.
There are more added sugars than just regular sugar. It includes table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, and brown sugar. There are also natural sugars that occur in fruits, fruit juice, and dairy products. Adding sugar to your diet only has a negative effect on your health. A professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health states that, "excessive intake of added sugar appears to negatively affect health in several ways. It has been linked to the development of high blood pressure, increased triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, fatty liver problems, as well as making insulin less effective in lowering blood sugar"(Hu,2). I believe this informational text is trying to persuade us to not eat sugars as frequently as we often do because it is doing more harm than it is helping us. It can lead to many things such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, blood fats, low cholesterol, fat liver problems, as well as making insulin not as useful. These are all things we can easily avoid by watching what we eat.